Thursday, January 20, 2011

welcome... the launch of “Good Clothes Open All Doors;” my humble attempt at documenting the start of my own business in the tough industry of fashion, in the rougher city of New York and in the roughest of economies.

Why the title “Good Clothes Open All Doors?” This quote from Thomas Fuller a 19th century architect has followed me through life. I saw it first on a birthday card from a friend who knew about my interest in fashion…it was the quote in my high school senior year book page…it was the phrase I painted on my cap when I graduated from RISD… and is now the magnet on my fridge (magnets; where all great quotes go to die). 

the birthday card

highschool yearbook

RISD graduation

my fridge today

So I make an attempt to revive this quote here and try to use is as a source of inspiration. To me this quote means something similar to the boy scouts motto; “Be Prepared.” In this interpretation it is very much something instilled in me by my parents. It is always better to be a little over dressed (and if you know my parents, you know they are, if anything, always impeccably put together.) My hope is to be just a little over dressed when the doors open.

As some of you already know I left my job of 3 1/2 years at a reputable New York fashion company last November, It was both the easiest and hardest decision of my life; easy because I knew I had to and hard because I did not know what the future would bring. Here I am two months later having come to the decision that I want to be a full time freelance trim and embellishment designer (don’t know what trim and embellishment is? Don’t worry I will explain it in posts to come.) This is a big undertaking considering when I left my job I had exactly 2 months rent in the bank, meaning this month I have to earn my rent. Which comes to why I wanted to start this blog. I wanted to have a documentation of this process. I know it is not going to be easy…and I am not sure it will not be without its stints as a waitress. But I will make it happen.

And that is where you all come in! You have supported me in this crazy life thus far; I hope you will continue to follow me through this next challenge. I hope this first posting has you interested and still left you with a few questions so that you return to check on me. I plan to post daily images of my work, my inspiration, a little on my trials and hopefully some personal triumphs too!

Love, Sarah


  1. This is great!!! I can't wait to read on. I hope there are occasionally photos of your impeccably dressed parents.


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